What is HTML and Why it’s important

By | January 25, 2019

Dear All,

Today we will learn about What is HTML? and Why it’s important?

So let’s understand first Why and then we will go for What and future How to do..

WHY HTML is important?

because we all know that all are going to digital form, and every business, organization, service are on the online platform. so HTML is nothing but a core part of any website development. Without HTML- developing the website is impossible. so in simple term we can say to Develop a website (any kind of website) we have to learn HTML first.

So hope that you will bit clear about WHY… Now next we will go for WHAT

What is HTML?

HTML is a nothing but a Hyper Text Markup Language, in other term it’s a Markup Language that content different tags, elements, attribute that will help us to develop a website.

Even most of the open source software, if you wish to customize then you should have basic knowledge about HTML.

for example: suppose if you want to display content in table structure, want to display image, want to provide hyperlink to some text, want to display a list of products and so on.. so then HTML comes into picture to make a comfort customization in any open source.

So HTML tags, elements are not display on the website but it will render those tags into our required format that we have code.

Now the next question is

How to learn HTML?

The simple answer is: there are so many websites and video available but what I recommend is to go with w3schools.com for starting and basic understanding purpose.

In upcoming post we are also provide the information about HTML tags and it’s usages and those will be on related to practical manner so that will also good source of learning about HTML.

Hope you like this post, kindly share with your friend and relative those want to start learning about website development.