Types of website

By | November 30, 2017

There is basically two types of website.

  1. Static website
  2. Dynamic website

Now let’s understand the meaning of those two types of website.

Static website:

Static website contents the static content that is the same for every visitors. All the pages having HTML code and based on that code on that HTML file, the result is displayed on the web page. The static website has some limitation over the dynamic website. All the information stored on the HTML page, there is no database server.

Dynamic website:

Dynamic website contents the dynamic context, based on the roles and privileges the context of the page will display. This kind of websites is very robust compared to the static website. Into this type of website, data are stored into the database server and display on the web page based on the user request.

So, User request then request goes to the server and based on the input of a user, an output will display on the screen.

When to develop which type of website?

If your content is not frequently updated for example once in a year or more then you can go for static website, on the other hand, if your content updated on regular basis then it’s recommended to go with the dynamic website.

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